Wednesday, August 8, 2012

This is the Cover Letter for my portfolio and it is the first thing to include in the portfolio. This is to show the purpose of the letter.

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Next is the Cover Page:

Ang Chee Ming
Cosmopolitan College of Commerce and Technology


20th June 2012

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Title Page of the portfolio:



Ang Chee Ming
Cosmopolitan College of Commerce and Technology

20th June 2012

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Content Page for easier direction:
Content Page


Page Number



List of Significant Life Experiences


Analysis of Accomplishments


Inventory of Interest, Aptitude, and Values


Inventory of Skills and Competencies


Inventory of Personal Qualities




Work Philosophy and Goals


Mission Statement




Credentials, Certificates, Workshops


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Introduction to describe plans:


The Career Development Portfolio I am submitting reflects many hours of introspection and documentation. The purpose of this portfolio is to gain college credit for similar courses that I completed at University Of Bath. I am submitting this portfolio to Ms. Shahina in the Office of Prior Learning at Cosmopolitan College of Commerce and Technology.

I recently made a career change and want to enter the marketing field. The reason for the change is personal growth and development. I had an internship in marketing and I know I will excel in this area. I plan to complete my degree in business administration at Cosmopolitan College of Commerce and Technology. Eventually I want to work my way up to store manager or director of marketing at a large store.

This portfolio contains:

-       A list of significant life experiences
-       Analysis of accomplishments
-       Inventory of interest, aptitude, and values
-       Inventory of skills and competencies
-       Inventory of personal qualities
-       Documentation
-       Work philosophy and goods
-       Resume
-       Credentials, certificates, workshops

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List of my significant life experiences:

List of Significant Life Experiences

-   Won the basketball interclass championship during my primary years.

-   Attended many tuition schools to improve my educational skills and although it was difficult and tough for me, it all paid off with satisfying marks.

-     Got invited to many English Language competitions, but I rejected them all due to stubbornness. There is a sense of regret for not doing so.

-      English Language teacher invited me to do speeches, host, and all those positions where I had to stand on the stage and talk to hundreds of students but I rejected them all due to stage fright.

-   Regret not joining the signing competition during my last year at my high school since I had confidence.

-      Achieved Runner up for volleyball interclass championship.

-      Graduated from my high school which I had studied at for 14 years.

-      Accepted into Secondary Six to challenge ‘A’ Levels.

-      Got into the finals for Singing Competition during my Secondary Six years.

Graduated from my high school, I am proud that I graduated with all those knowledge and supports my teachers gave me. It was an emotional event where some of us had to bid farewells to each other and to our teachers. It was the final moment where we all are still part of that school. After bidding farewells, we all went our separate ways to improve ourselves for our own future.

After finishing my high school years, I was recommended to further my studies in Brunei. My mother urged me to attend the ever-difficult Form Six to challenge ‘A’ Levels. I took her advice and took on the challenge. Unfortunately, I had to go through some troubles in order to attend the institute due to my insufficient requirement to enrol. I was having difficulties with my Malay Language so I had to appeal to the institute to let me enrol with the promise of retaking the Malay Language in ‘O’ Levels. Eventually, I was accepted into the institute and it was a fresh start for me.

The first few months were difficult, but luckily I had wonderful friends who are willing to help when I needed some. After putting much effort into my studies, I managed to pull through the first year with border-line marks. Unsatisfied, I promised to try harder the next year in order to redeem myself. Time passed by and eventually I finished all my ‘A’ Levels in 2010. It was not a pleasant feeling after that because the papers were very tough and I was not confident. Impatiently waiting for the result, I had to do something to get the stress off my mind and so I tried taking part-time jobs.

The first work I got was at ICC, where I only had to distribute lucky draw tickets to the public who were visiting the events that were held at ICC. $150 for 3 days was not a bad deal and the work is not stressful at all since I was working with my close friends. After all those work, I was jobless again and the thought of ‘A’ Levels came back. However, I was lazy that time so I just wasted my time at home entertaining myself.

Finally when the results came in, I was unsatisfied and I wanted to retake ‘A’ Levels again. My older brother stopped me because he told me it would be a waste of time. It’s not that I would get horrible marks again, but he said it was the time to retake it is precious and should not be wasted just to retake the exam. My mother was sided with my older brother and eventually I gave in too. After that, I took my results and tried to appeal to ITB where I can further my studies. I was clueless about what course to take and I randomly picked Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. It was a disaster.

With some help from a friend, I learned that there were still colleges that are accepting students who finished their ‘A’ Levels. I quickly registered into Cosmopolitan College of Commerce and Technology because I did not have much of a choice. It was either wait for another semester or starts my studies in a month. I chose the latter and now I am taking the course, HND of Computing.

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An analysis of all my accomplishments:

Analysis of Accomplishment

-   Everything happened to me make me a more determined person and helped me in making decisions more easily

-     Hobby of drawing made me improved a lot and helped in many assignments such as multimedia animation

-      I learned a lot of computer related stuff after taking HND in Computing in CCCT

-     After all the education, I realized how much more I can learn and new people to meet

-      I had experienced many projects and they helped me by making me a more responsible person 
     for completing my tasks

-     Having learned so much, I have the confidence to finish tasks given by lecturers

-     My attitude changed and I am more aware of what it means to be a more mature person now

-    With everything that happened to me, it always made me realized that I could do what I want as long as I am determined

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Inventory of Interest, Aptitudes and Values. The ones marked shows my interest:

Inventory of Interests, Aptitudes, and 


__________ Mechanical                                   __________ Gardening         

__________ Clerical                                                 X          Investigative

        X          Musical                                                 X          Artistic

__________ Drama/acting                                 __________ Working with numbers

__________ Writing                                                  X          Working with people

            __________ Persuasive speaking                               X          Working with animals

            __________ Sales                                                     X          Working with things

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Inventory of Skills and Competencies:

Inventory of Skills and Competencies

Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Skills:

Basic Skills: Reading, writing, listening, speaking, and mails

Thinking Skills: Critical thinking, creative problem solving, knowing how to learn, reasoning, and metal visualization

Personal Qualities: Responsibilities, positive attitude, dependability, self-esteem, sociability, integrity, and self-management

Interpersonal Skills: Teaches others, team member, leadership, works well with diverse groups, and serves clients and customers

Information: Acquires, evaluates, organizes, maintains, and uses computers

Systems: Understands, monitors, corrects, designs, and improves systems

Resources: Allocates time, money, material, people, and space

Technology: Selects, applies, maintains, and troubleshoots

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The Inventory of Personal Qualities:


Inventory of Personal Qualities

     I will do my best to finish my tasks on time and not push the blame to others when I am in full responsibility.

Positive attitude
      After every failure or mistake, I will reflect upon it and take it as an example to improve myself.

     I usually depend on others when I am have problems but I can be dependable too if anyone needs help.

      I am not very confident of myself but when there is a need for confidence, I will believe more in myself and finish my task with no problem.

       I can be very talkative sometimes especially when I am around my friends.

      With my parents and teachers’ advices, I know what is wrong or right and not do things that will disappoint them.

       I know how to manage my time with my help monthly planner which helps me to finish my tasks on time. In addition, I know when to be playful and serious when the time is crucial. 

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Basic Skills – All these skills are learned in my minor years of schooling

Thinking Skills – These skills are learned through experiences with all the things I have done such as preparing for presentations, co-operating with friends to finish a project and many more

Personal Qualities – These qualities cannot be attained if not for my family, friends and teachers who though me how to be a better person and be more confident as person

Interpersonal Skills – By teaching others through my own experiences, co-operating with others, serving clients during my work time, I have improved this skill

Information – I learned these through first-hand experiences and many practice with the help of companions

Systems – Lecturers from CCCT have taught me how to be more careful and improve in understanding systems

Resources – Advices from parents and lecturers have helped me to manage important things like money, time and materials

Technology – By researching and learning from lecturers from CCCT, I understand more on technologies and maintaining computer related stuff

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Work philosophy and goals:


Work philosophy and goals

Transferable Skills:

    What transferable skills do you have?
- English language, volleyball, basketball, cycling and knowledge on education                                               

     What specific content skills do you have that indicate a specialized knowledge or ability, such as plumbing, computer programming or cooking?
- Cooking and drawing                                                                                                                                 

    List your daily activities and determine the skills involved in each. Then consider what you like about this activity. These factors may include the environment, interactions with others, or a certain emotional reaction-for example, “I like bike riding because I am outdoors with friends, and the exercise feels great.”

    Activity                    Skills Involved                                             Factors

   Driving car            Balance, concentration                                     Being outdoors   

    Drawing          Patience, concentration, steady hand                        Study Desk     

    Gaming             Patience, focus, strategy planning                              Room         

    Cooking             Patience, concentration, taste                                  Kitchen        

My immediate educational goal is to graduate with a certificate in computer design or drawing comics. In five years, I plan to earn a college degree in business with an emphasis in marketing. 

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Mission statement:


Mission Statement

My mission is to use my talents in drawing animations or comics to create interesting stories to entertain people. I want to influence the world by writing stories that can be appreciated. I seek to be a lifelong learner because learning keeps me creative and alive. In my family, I want to build strong, healthy, and loving relationships. At work, I want to build creative and open teams. In life, I want to be kind, helpful, and supportive to others. I will live each day with integrity and be an example of outstanding character.

Long-term Goals

Career goals
I want to write my own comics and be known worldwide.

Educational goals:

 I want to teach and lead a team of artists.

Family goals:

 I want to take good care of my parents and family.

Community goals:

 I want to earn enough money to live comfortable and provide my family with the basic needs and more.

Medium-Range Goals

Career goals
I want to be a leader of my own artist group.

Educational goals

I want to earn a college degree in art.

Short-Term Goals

Career goals
I want to start off with clients who want animations and cartoons.

Educational goals

I want to earn a certificate in art.

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My resume:



Name: Ang Chee Ming
Address: No.5, Simpang 1244-19, Tanjong Bunut, Jalan Tutong, BSB
Contact: +673 8651128

Personal Particulars
Date of Birth: 28-11-1991
Age: 20
I/C No: 01-050003
Citizenship/Nationality: Bruneian
Race: Chinese
Religion: Buddhist
Gender: Male
Marital Status:
No. of children: 0
Health Status: Asthma and Gastric

Job Objective
Jack of all trades

Relevant Skills
-Able to work overtime
-Able to meet dead line
-Work under pressure

Educational Background:
-HND in Computing in Cosmopolitan College of Commerce and Technology (2011 – 2014)
-‘A’ Level in PTE Katok – 3 ‘A’ Levels (2009 – 2010)
-‘O’ Level in Chung Hwa Middle School – 5 ‘O’ Levels (1994 – 2008)

Work Experience:
-Jaya Sales Assistant (Part-time)

Additional Information
-Volleyball Runner up (2008)
-Basketball Champion (2002)


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Credentials , Certificates, and Workshops:

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